Anything on the A-level stuff section is all I have for now and all I will have until some time after exam season (unless people send me stuff to fill the gaps), and as I can’t host ZIP folders as they are too inconvenient for me to bother with at this stage into the exam season.
But I come here with something for people who aren’t finishing this year: maths guides. After exams I’m going to write PDFs with LaTeX (the program that makes maths text look neat and pretty) on A-level maths and further maths topics to break it down for any of you that might need alternative explaining (bearing in mind I don’t assert any credibility as a maths tutor). Each volume will be on a subject (like Functions, Complex Numbers, Differentiation I…) instead of following strict module and board specifications. There might be exercises but there will definitely be worked examples. Expect stuff popping up some time in July.
I finish on 15th June, just a heads up.