First of all, I’ve realised what I had predicted had come true, i.e. the fact that my site visitors have peaked this month (and the last) with several hundred a day being the norm. As there are not as many in my year utilising my A-level stuff to explaining the magnitude of the increase, I actually thought that maybe, just maybe, people are actually reading this shit I type. Alas, I was informed that neighbouring schools have heard of my stash of past papers and mark schemes and pupils downloaded until the rum was gone without giving this poor, malnourished blog a glimpse. How do I know this? Because as the exams are done my views are contracting back to their humble state. Though to be fair, I have had a bit of feedback, so I’ll leave it at that.
In regards to my blog, as I have no pressure on revision or any of that nonsense, I can actually post about stuff not academically related in any way or form. For a little preview of future events, I intend to make comics.
Laughter over? Yes, that’s right. Beethoven became deaf, so maybe I can make comics from September. I’m talking about generic Monday-Wednesday-Friday comics with a few bits of gold clattered around rubbish. I say September as I am in the process of drawing drafts, and I would like to make a sufficient amount of them before I start uploading.
Oh, the exams. Erm… I’m not sure how I did, especially with my predictions generally being wrong, all could have been worse (I hesitate to say that for mechanics and economics) and all could have been better, but August will tell.