To ensure my blood-alcohol level doesn’t reach a dangerous low,
To stay alive,
To enjoy the company of the lovely people here,
To sort out what I need for everyday life,
To procrastinate on Facebook,
To do my work,
To update this blog.
Warwick’s been great, but with one exception. Lectures and Freshers’ mix like heroin and cocaine. The Freshers’ was two weeks but was dimmed by 9 a.m. lectures the next morning and related assignments (that actually mattered). Don’t get me wrong, I’ll take any excuse to avoid clubs but getting in the way of a pub night is a big no.
The academic material is thankfully more interesting than A-level, but obviously I have to do more work. The experience in general is different, but overall better. It really is freedom.
I don’t have much else to say as I’m still getting used to it. Oh, I can cook now*.
*We’re getting there.